Sunday, August 30, 2009

Good asswipes never die...they just flap in the breeze.

1. A douche will spend hours talking about how "good" his life is. 2.A Royal douche will video-tape himself, talking about how "good" his life is.

Ryan Jenkins murderer and Super douche committed suicide by hanging in a British Columbia hotel this week. Jenkins murdered and desecrated model/Amber Jasmine Fiore and at least one VH1 show ( Megan Wants a Millionaire) and now possibly a second VH1 reality show will have to be canned thanks to Jenkins. Jenkins appeared on I love Money 3 along with the usual band of cast-offs and told friends that he walked away with the $250,000 dollar grand prize. Sneaky has serious doubts he won anything and believes a good part of that net-worth was Fiore's. He had 2.2 million dollar net worth and an additional quarter grand and he hangs himself...with a a $100 dollar a night hotel? Living the dream, Living the dream.

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