Sunday, November 22, 2009

Vivid's gets a copy of Prejean's solo act...R. Kelly instantly updates Netflix que.

Vivid legally obtained a recording of dethroned beauty queen and future nuclear physicist Carrie Prejean having 'hello kitty' time. But don't look for Prejan's blonde box in your neighborhood Red Box anytime soon... Vivid can't release the tape until quiz kid/beauty queen Prejean ok's the tape (which may actually be a cell phone recording...according to Prejean's brother...err) for distribution. And disputes over her age at the time are muddying the water too. If Prejean was 17, as she initially will never...ever see Prejean's tape (outside of Amsterdam) since it would then be classified as child pornography...and Carrie herself could be charged! But, if she was 20 as Vivid now claims, it would simply mean that Prejean is just one more Girl Gone Wild eager to show the world how well her boob job went and the quality of her Brazilian. Sneaky gives her 10 months before she signs with Vivid, until then just tune into the Erin Andrew's Channel.

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