Tiger is White...He makes an average of 2 million dollars per week.
Tiger is Black...He makes 2 million dollars a week playing professional sports.
Tiger is White...The professional sport he plays is golf.
Tiger is Black...When he started making millions of dollars golfing, he married a white girl.
Tiger is White...He allegedly cheated on his hot wife with a third generation socialite with her own mob of paparazzi and expected it to remain a secret from the press.
Tiger is Black...He cheated on his hot wife and expected it to remain a secret from his wife.
Tiger is Asian...he totaled his SUV when he ran over a fire hydrant in his own front yard.
Tiger is White...He tried to escape a beating from his hot wife in $60,000 SUV.
Tiger is Black... Neighbors watched the whole thing.
Tiger is White... disturbed and concerned, neighbors then called the police.
Tiger is Black... the police arrive promptly at the scene.
Tiger is White...but, no one is arrested.
Tiger is Black...The police attempt to question Tiger...again.
Tiger is White...Tiger refuses to answer any questions and the boys in his legal department and a few interns from Industrial Light and Magic craft a touching new version of events that has Tiger's wife rescuing him from his smashed car. Local cops seen wearing new Nikes and golfing with titanium clubs.
Hmm, as Sneaky is writing this (from a Nordstrom's dressing room) the cops are still attempting to talk to Tiger and find out what exactly happened at the Wood's house after the turkey and stuffing. But look for more rumors that Tiger is stuffing it to Rach.
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