Wednesday, February 10, 2010

You gotta hand it to her...

The truth comes out about how Sarah Palin REALLY managed to score a diploma from Wasila High School...she ( please don't sue us) cheated! During Palin's speech she trashed Obama for being a "charismatic guy with a TelePrompTer" while reading notes she had scribbled on her palm in ball point. You can even see her lips moving as she reads! What else was written there? Sneaky scored some HD this past Xmas. Ahem... We have the full list!

Budget Cuts

Lift American Spirit

Righty Tighty/Lefty Loosey

Measure twice/cut once
A moment on the lips...a lifetime on the hips!
Do NOT flush applicator!

Two men man leaves!

Starve a fever/Feed a cold

Condoms ( Bristol)

Condoms ( Willow)

Peel back film from potatoes...Caution! Contents will be HOT!

Objects in mirror may be closer that they appear.

Calling Obama a "half-breed" is not a compliment.

You can't turn a "ho" into a housewife!

Leaves of three, let it be

Family Guy 8pm central
Refrigerate after opening
Caveat Emptor

More on what's written on the other hand later...

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