Kim's Kardashian's million dollar nuptials to Frankenballer Kris Humphries was all a heavily scripted, over-produced television exxxtravaganZA. Allegedly. Also, that Nigerian prince who fell in love with you online and is desperately trying to get you to cash eight money orders for him....mmmmm....he isn't real either. Allegedly. Now, when your life is as heavily infiltrated/infested with media as Kim is even a change of hair style from straight to curly is a choreographed step toward another million and a new Hermes bag. Only Kim knows for sure if she meant what she said in front of her mom, step-dad, octo-siblings, dozens of producers and the fine people out in television land. Or if her fingers were crossed under that thousand dollar bouquet But, well...we all talked it over at Sneaky Salmon studios and we all agree we've seen better performances on re-runs of Operation Repo on TRUtv. The clue? Yes, she made a wheelbarrow of money. And yes, the entire relationship was shorter then Snookie's prom dress. But, the real tell was that the entire wedding party was attired head to toe in white and there's not a bride in America who's gonna let her future sister-in-law wear a white bridesmaid's gown. As if you didn't know....
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