This week we had the unique pleasure of watching a train wreck inside of ANOTHER train wreck. Sarah 'giggles' Palin appeared on the Tonight Show ( recently re-hosted by Jay Leno) and successfully coughed up some pretty funny gags. The last time we saw the perpetually offended Palin, she was pissed off at Family Guy and its creator Seth Mcfarlane for featuring a character with special needs. Family guy HAS poked fun and satirically nuked people with cognitive disabilities and tossed around the term "retarded" a lot in the early part of the decade. Oh, yeah and Sneaky remembers a few jokes about prom-night-dumpster-babies, parent-endorsed teen suicide and rape victim Elizabeth Smart. Family Guy nukes everyone, and in fact the episode went incredibly light on the Chris' one-shot love interest. Ellen ( voiced by an actress with Down Syndrome) attends regular high-school and takes grade appropriate math, she's repeatedly described as pretty and seems a lot more socially apt than un-diagnosed Chris. She is demanding and bitchy though and the episode ends with Chris yelling, 'They say people with Down syndrome are sweet, BUT YOUR JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!" Thunk. Sorry, that was just the message hitting us in the head. Interesting, that Palin considers Down Syndrome too sacred for humor or satire when she named her son Trig. No, not like Trigonometry. Maybe like, Trisomy G, the cause of Down Syndrome.
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