If she did the nineteen-year old would have stopped Kanye before he could commit career suicide at Sunday's VMA awards. Kanye ( complete with Egyptian hieroglyphics carved in his fro) interrupted Taylor's acceptance speech for Best female performance and announced that the award was basically stolen from Beyonce (Sneaky will never tell her age but it certainly reminded us of 'Ol dirty Bastard snatching the mic from Shawn Colvin at the 1998 Grammy's) Taylor looked mortified and we're pretty sure a single tear rolled down her cheek. Later cyborg Beyonce got to try out the new empathy chip she had implanted and she called Swift back on stage to complete her speech. And once Mrs. Jay-z was on her side, Kanye was going to need a radiation suit to survive all the fallout. Mr. K your Boss' wife pretty much called you an asshole for what you did. No wonder Kanye showed up on Leno a lot more shaken than his usual solipsisms would ever let him be. He was crying like he had just walked out of a screening of Schindler's List. Luckily it seems that his boss (Hova) is too busy letting Rhianna rebound off of him and his cigar ( Rhianna went out and Beyonce stayed home) to pay much attention to West saying mean things to white girls. It is hip-hop. And where the fuck was T-Pain?
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