I guess Lil' Sicily Black Eye Cover-up for Ladies really will be sponsoring Jersey Shore since one of the "Guidettes" was one of the first casualties to a bar fight on the show. Though bar fight may be a little off ,since the female "Snooki" was sucker punched by a male gym teacher from NY! Constant readers know already how we feel about boys hitting girls...yes even really, really, really, definitely, certainly, very annoying girls like Snooki. But, to go up against a male gym teacher when your biggest daily physical achievement is getting your "pouf" high enough just isn't fair. The guy climbs "the rope" for a living. And this was no 1980's Alexis Carrington punch. This was a 1980's Mike Tyson style punch...Snooki got knocked the fuck out! and was left weeping on the barroom floor. Now, that probably happens every week but, this time it didn't involve 5 long island ice teas and a bottle of Xanax. Watch the footage here.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuynfY6LTRw