Back when sneaky was still dating, rather than "hookin' up", she dated a sweet geek with great oral technique and a total Android's Dungeon fixation on Batman/Dark Knight comics. Well, you have to do something while the bong is being re lit and and reading old DC comics sorta count as something. No matter how many people were potential blown up by the Joker, no matter how many banks the Riddler robbed, no matter how many dildos the Clittickler shorted out...they always ended up in the Arkham Asylum For the Criminally Insane. Rotting there with 1 million other maniacs until they escaped or something. A little like Mr. Chang's in LA. Or Reality TV. First we had corpse groom Richard Jenkins on Megan Wants a Millionaire, now we have probable wife-beater Richard Heegan( a refuge from Wife Swap) attempting to re-enter reality world by faking a weather balloon taking flight with his kid ahem Falcon ahem inside! During the massive search at least 2 planes and 5 networks showed up trying to find ahem Falcon ahem. Once it was exposed as an alleged ( obvious) hoax all sorts of criminal charges started brewing including a conspiracy charge involving a major media source. Sneaky is certain that the conspiracy reaches back yeeeeeaaaars! Who names their kid Falcon?! They probably were hatching this very special balloon hoax from the moment the kid was born. Hence naming the poor kid ahem Falcon ahem. There had to be some shady backroom deal with the Mac people going down when Gwen Paltrow named her spawn Apple.