Is Death the new Iphone this year? Celebrities are lining five deep to meet an untimely demise in '09. It seems after Micheal's in-home anesthesia in June its been a steady, hot, stream...some respected and ancient like Dominick Dunn and Walter Cronkite, some iconic and early like John Hughes and Naomi Sims, a couple of Kennedys cause that's what they do best, and more than a few in the young, cracked out and stupid category. And Sneaky is gonna have to drop a tear and dry it, cause it looks Like DJ AM ( Adam Goldstein) has fallen into the last category, allegedly by suicide. And maybe, probably, allegedly involving a baggie of crack, though AM claimed to be clean as a whistle for years, prior to a buddy finding him unresponsive early Friday morning. The "maybe" suicide note was a posting on Twitter( you lose points for that AM) "New York, New York big City of dreams, but everything in New York ain't always what it seems." It's like the Divinci code! Adam had an earlier failed suicide attempt, but ironically for some people there is nothing like a near death experience to push them closer to suicide. For Goldstein it may have been the horrific 2008 plane crash he and drummer Travis Barker survived, for Kurt Cobain it was boning Courtney Love. DJ worked hard to clean up his life after being addicted to absolutely everything, including food. But, his list of mourners does include several members of the Nickelodeon Drug Cartel ( Nicole Ritchie, Lindsay Lohan, Heidi Montag, and one of those Kardashians) so it may be no surprise that Goldstein may have become strung-out and accidentally ( on purpose) taken just a wee-bit too much. Keep spinning DJ, New york ain't what it seems, but Heaven is a dance floor.