OK, Tinseltown just stop it! I hate blogging celebrity deaths, cause then I have to be nice and totally corrupt celebrities go from baby-dangling pedophiles to Icons of American culture. Luckily last night's death seemed to be a genuinely nice guy whose only crime was a bad mustache, so I wont have to swallow my own vomit to write about him. As of last night beloved (and some-what annoying) soap pitchman Billy Mays is washing out stubborn stains from that big laundry room in the sky. Billy was kinda young (50) and healthy ( listen to that lung power!) but, Mays had been involved in a rough airplane flight about 24 hours before his death. Yes, that's right... a blow to the head seems to have claimed another one this year ( Natasha Richardson). Still, last time Sneaky checked, crack-ish songbird Amy Winehouse was alive and kicking, only minus 30lbs and an incisor. Does heroin grant some sort of super-human strength? Look at other super junkies like Kieth Richards and Nicole Ritchie. Inde-frigen-structable! The secret to good health lies in a little morphine. Sneaky hates needles though! Maybe Flintstones will come out with chewable heroin.